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Time for art, yourself, caressing your eye and touching your soul.  


Follow Alpha is Art.


Every month there will be a spotlight dedicated to featuring new artists and designers.


Paintings, creations and contemporary projects are offered during a limited time frame while providing a platform for collaboration.


Visit our "Gallery"  This page features many of our fabulous pieces!


Click on "Products" Here you will find artwork with limited editions that have been edited or expressed in 3D.

Therefore, absolutely no mass production, every piece is original.

You can also support several projects that you can follow through our specials. We can also offer an alternative with works from the gallery; consider the acoustics of your living or working environment through acoustic art. Art in the home or work environment can bring a space to life with its own unique character.


Of course, you can always call on us for advice and guidance for your art endeavors.  


Alpha is Art has its own gallery space where you can request a private viewing! Or attend our  Open Gallery days!


Alpha is Art: Innovative, Contemporary with a Visionary Attitude!


Bring excitement to your home today!


To create, grow and move; a free mind and personal development is a MUST.


At Alpha is Circle, there are workshops, consultations, and coaching that can provide you with a new form of insight.


With the Analog Drawing Workshop, you can gain drawing experience, find your inspiration, insights and take home your own creation in just one day!

Imagine an artwork in your own language that only you can read! Inspire and offer guidance.  


In addition, there are multiple disciplines that will be offered.


Register today!




Every month there are International Guests who stay for a period of time in the “Alpha is” Guest House.


This is an opportunity to collaborate, share inspiration and gain new insights into other cultures.


International Guests contribute their own stone to the art or experience at Alpha is Circle. Together we foster the movement of cultures, people and being together on fertile creative ground.


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